YAM 2.0 - Page 2
Find window (search for certain messages)
- Filters and search function for address fields can use a file that contains many patterns ("killfile")
- Filters can be easily created based on the current search options, and vice versa
- Selection of multiple messages by pattern
Configuration; First steps
- POP3 password will be requested if there's no entry in the configuration
- Timezone for date header is now settable in the configuration and defaults to Locale prefs
Configuration; TCP/IP settings
- APOP login is now supported
- Option to send messages in 8bit without MIME encoding
- Option to specify SMTP domain name for HELO command
- Up to 16 POP3 servers can be checked in one step
Configuration; Receive mail
- On new mail, YAM displays a requester and/or plays a sound (OS 3.x only) and/or executes a command
- Optionally, YAM marks new messages as unread before getting new mail
Configuration; Folders
- Folders can be automatically compressed using XPK
- Folders can be protected using a password (XPK encryption)
- Mailing list support: if To: field matches a folder-specific pattern, the return address is taken from the config
- Max.age option: Messages that are older than a certain age are automatically deleted
- Messages can be sorted by increasing or decreasing message date, dated received, sender, recipient, subject, status or size
- Two sort keys for each folder
Configuration; Filters
- 'Apply to new' can be set individually for each filter
- Additional searchable fields: CC, Reply-To, Date or user-configurable field
- Available comparison operators: equal, not equal, bigger than, smaller than
- Filters can search for a certain status
- Filters can search the whole message, header only or body only
- Matching messages can be redirected, forwarded, replied (using an existing message file), moved or deleted, they can also start an ARexx script
- Multiple actions are allowed for each filter
- Substring search option obsoletes #? pattern
Configuration; Read options
- Charset translation
- Headers to show in 'short' format can now be configured
- Option to display sender information (from the address book) in the header, including portrait
Configuration; Write options
- 'Welcome' and 'greetings' phrases
- Charset translation (includes some example translation tables like AmigaPL to ISO-Latin2)
- Editor font, tabsize, wordwrap column and cursor type are configurable
- Editor option to automatically insert line breaks
- Optionally, the external editor will be launched immediately
- Support for additional headers
Configuration; Reply/forward options
- Alternative reply intro is used if the recipient's address matches a given pattern
- Enhanced reply subject generation (Re[2]:, Re[3]:, etc...)
- New variable for quote text: first and last initial
- New variable for reply/forward phrases: message id
- New variables for forward phrases: name/first name/address of original recipient
- Optional warning if Reply-To and From addresses are not equal
Configuration; Signatures and taglines
- Random tagline support, location and format of cookies are configurable